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Sponsor Resources

Thank you to all the new and old sponsors who have helped us throughout the years of our team's existence.

If you're interested in sponsoring us or if you would like more information about the team, please feel free send us an email

If you or your organization has sponsored us in the past, we thank you for your support. 

Our Sponsors and Supporters


Thank you, Chews Landing Fire Department!

Our team would like to thank the Chews Landing Fire Department for their support and generous donation. 


Thank you, Y.A.L.E. School!

The YALiEns Robotics Team thanks the Y.A.L.E. School for supporting our team. Throughout the years, they have provided us with a majority of our funding, space, materials and resources we need for our robotics team. We appreciate your continued support!

This website is a student based website. Please contact the coach for comments or questions.