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YALiEns Blog

A blog documenting the history of the robotics team.

The New Website! New Facility, and a FLASHBACK!

We now have a new website, and its the one you're looking at right now. 

Recently, we just moved to a new Y.A.L.E. School facility. It is a much larger room than what we had previously. Before, we had a science classroom at the Cherry Hill campus. Now we have a large lab that we can fit a full test field on. The space is much more than what we expected, and will be very useful for all of the things we need. There are a few things that need attention in the room, but they are already being addressed. 


-- This is the first in a series of flashbacks to past experiences on the robotics team. This series will serve as a medium to tell future members about what happened on the team in the past. Now, let's get into the story.

It was the day before the break. Chris, Sam, Will, and I were in Mrs. Murray's room to set up the 3D Printer. It was very exciting for all of us to take the packaging out of the 3D Printer and try and get it set up. We all wanted to see it working as soon as we could. It had been a while since most of us had seen a 3D Printer print due to the team's previous 3D Printer failing to work. It was difficult not rushing to get everything out, since we also didn't want it to break. We took our time and made sure we didn't break anything because we knew how expensive the printer was. The printer is the ROBO3D R2, we can thank Y.A.L.E. School for purchasing that for us. Since then, we have had 1 and possibly 2 successful 3D prints. We hope this 3D Printer works for years to come. 

Posted by Jordan B. on 1/13/2018
